New York Free ADS.COM

New York ethnic media free color advertising Black Hispanic MWBE-Owned Businesses Newspaper/Online

Oscar Larsson

Free Advertising USA.COM


NewYorkFreeADS.COM, a pioneering company, is dedicated to offering free advertising Via Print/Online to Black, Hispanic, and MWBE business owners throughout New York State and New York City and the entire United States of America. This initiative is crucial as many small businesses in New York State and New York City face significant challenges, including rising vacant storefronts. NewYorkFreeADS.COM has revolutionized the advertising landscape by offering digital and print advertising across all regions, ensuring these businesses can leverage the power of advertising without financial constraints.
City Council Member of the 15th District and Chairman of the Small Business Services, Oswald Feliz, highlighted the urgency of supporting local businesses: “We need to support our local businesses to ensure vibrant communities.”
NewYorkFreeADS.COM particularly supports Black, Hispanic, and MWBE business owners by providing them with a powerful and free marketing platform via social media and print, a service that has never been offered or done before. This service is a lifeline for many, helping them reach a wider audience, revitalize local economies, and support struggling community businesses.